
3 Gun Dog Fight! The Range Session for Operators!

youtubeheaderEveryone's an Operator until it's time to do Operator stuff! We all know it, we all seen and heard them. Well, here's your chance to prove your Operator status!

You've got the guns, you've got the ammo and all the fancy accessories, now let's see if you've got the brawn and the skill set to use it. The Dog Fight!, is a full day range session to test your skills and see if you reign victor at the end of the day. Sign up now since we only take 12 people per session.


The session will start with simple drills to eliminate the newbies and facebook warriors, each drill will become increasingly more difficult and complex as the day goes on with multiple threats, positions, mag changes, platform transitions and much more. Try to keep up so you don't get eliminated as there are various reasons that you might (just keep reading......

You will encounter active threats, hostage situations, shoot & no-shoot targets, timed drills, you will also encounter mag changes, gun stoppages, platform transitions, medical situations and need to make quick decisions in dynamic situations. The question is will you still be standing at the end of the day. This is the time to test your gear, yourself, your skills and decision making in simulated real encounters. You will shoot on the move, behind barricades, standing, kneeling, prone etc. If this all sounds too difficult for you, it probably is, only one way to find out; you can participate or you can continue to be a gun owning couch potato. The decision is yours!

Safety violations (Immediate Dismissal)

  • Unsafe holsters or holstering.
  • Failure to use Safety on slung rifle
  • Flagging anyone including themselves
  • Poor trigger finger discipline i.e. Running with finger on the trigger
  • Poor muzzle discipline
  • Gear or safeties that do not work. ~ All gear will be checked at the beginning of the session.
  • SA/DA Handgun with no decocker.
  • Failing to decock firearm or apply safety before holstering.
  • Rounds going over the berm.

Non-Inclusive list of Deduction Factors:

  • Too many unaccounted rounds. (5) Deduction of 2 kills
  • Hitting No-threat targets or a hostage. Deduction of 1 kill
  • Failure to Follow directions. - Deduction at Range Officer Discretion
  • Missing or Skipping part of the drill. Deduction of 1 kill
  • Not eliminating all threats on the battlefield. Deduction of 2 kills
  • Others at Range Officer Discretion

Gear Needed:

  • Any Rifle, AK, AR, PC Carbine or AR/AK Pistol with sling. (Slings are not optional).
  • Iron sights, Red Dot or magnified scopes acceptable.
  • 2 magazines with mag carrier or chest rig for Rifle magazines.
  • Semi-auto handgun with strong side or appendix holster.  MOS sights OK - no other carry mode acceptable.
      ~ Note: Appendix carry is not the preferred carry method for slung rifles.
  • Any tactical semi-auto or pump action shotgun in 20, 16 or 12 gauge. We will also have one you can use if you do not have a shotgun.
  • 3 magazines & mag carrier for pistol magazines.
  • 150 rounds handgun ammunition. NO remanufactured or reloaded ammunition.
  • 150 rounds rifle ammunition. NO remanufactured or reloaded ammunition.
  • 1 Shotgun slug and 10 00-Buck rounds.
  • Hydration
  • Eye & ear protection
  • Knee pads optional
  • Backup guns highly recommended.
  • Got a ballistic vest & helmet, bring it, wear it so you can see what wearing it all day is like.

This is NOT a competition, this is a skills test, there are no prizes, no atta-boy's or kudos other than the satisfaction that you attended and knowing you can keep up with other operators. Successful attendees still standing at the end of the day will have the satisfaction of knowing that they are in the top 5% of all gun owners. You may fail, you may prevail, but we guarantee you will have a lot of fun and learn a lot!


  • All operators will receive a "Certificate of Attendance" indicating highest stage achieved and total number of kills. Sorry no participation trophy's today!
  • All gear will be checked at the beginning of the session for safety. You can change guns at anytime during the day with Range Officer approval after a safety check of the gun. Failure to notify range officer will result in dismissal. Backup guns are highly recommended.
  • Defensive Strategies, LLC reserves the right to adjust the course of fire based on attendees, skill level, and time. We have 20 stages of fire planned plus a bonus round,
  • Course of fire has 70 potential kills/shots plus a 10 point bonus round, only fatal shots will be logged and scored.
  • Breaks will be taken during the day including a hour lunch.
  • Final drils and stages will be released and sent to all registered participates the week of the event.

Failure to observe the rules of safe firearm handling will result in immediate dismissal from the session. This includes muzzle discipline, trigger finger discipline, flagging anyone or yourself, not using safety on slung rifles, and others as determined by a range officer. If you don't have these basic fundamentals down including working from a holster, you probably should not sign up for this range session.

Instructors / Range Officers / Records

  • Bob Boilard
  • Richard Olson Jr.
  • Jonathan LaBier (Records)

When: May 17th, 2025 / 9AM - Until we finish.
COST: $150

Rain Date: Haha we're Joking of course, there is no rain date. Embrace the suck, buttercup!
Where: Londonderry Fish & Game Club


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