Basics of Handgun, Rifle & Shotgun (3 Gun)
The goal of the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association's 3 Gun course is to provide the student with a solid foundation in basic knowledge of handguns, rifles & shotguns, a basic understanding of ammunition and how it functions as well as the shooting fundamentals for handguns and pistols, rifles and shotguns. This course is also great introduction to the shooting sports for those just beginning or thinking about purchasing a firearm and are not sure what to buy.
NOW INCLUDES 1.5 hours of New Hampshire & Federal Law and Use of Force.
A person new to the use of firearms for personal defense typically has a broad range of questions and is faced with learning a number of skills that are critical in the safe use of a firearm for personal protection and home defense. This course will answer all those questions you may have while giving you and solid understanding in the fundamentals of shooting.
Use of our firearms and ammo are included in the class price.
Safe, comfortable and air conditioned classroom.
Master Instructor always present.
A number of topics will be covered and discussed in this course. These include but are not limited to:
- Safe handling of Handguns, Rifles & Shotguns.
- Basic of Handguns, Rifles & Shotguns
- Gun Safety Rules
- Safe Storage of your firearms and ammunition.
- Basic components of Handguns, Rifles & Shotguns
- Operation of Semiautomatics & Revolvers, Rifles & Shotguns
- Shooting Fundamentals
- Tactical Shotguns vs Hunting Shotguns
- Clearing Common Stoppages
- Selecting a the right gun for home defense.
- Home defense fundamentals including the use of safe rooms
Cleaning and Maintaining your firearms.
- 1.5 hours of NH Law and Use of Force
- Master Instructor present (Ask us anything).
In this course you will shoot a revolver, semiautomatic handgun, an AR-15 carbine, a tactical shotgun with various loads (00-Buck & Slugs).
July 1, 2023 ~ 8-5PM - $150