
Active Shooter Response

Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve very quickly: Would you know what to do?

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and other populated area. In most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly.

Active shooter incidents are becoming more frequent. All employees can help prevent and prepare for potential active shooter situations. This course provides guidance to individuals, including managers and employees, so that they can prepare to respond to an active shooter situation. Common motives include anger, revenge, ideology, and untreated mental illness.

activeshooterThis course is not written for law enforcement officers, but for non-law enforcement employees. The material may provide law enforcement officers information on recommended actions for non-law enforcement employees to take should they be confronted with an active shooter situation.

Course Objectives:

Upon completing this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Describe actions to take when confronted with an active shooter and responding law enforcement officials.
  • Recognize potential workplace violence indicators.
  • Describe actions to take to prevent and prepare for potential active shooter incidents.
  • Describe how to manage the consequences of an active shooter incident.

Primary Audience: All individuals, including managers and employees.

Prerequisites: None

Course Length: 3-4 Hours


If your company or organization is interested in active shooter training please contact us at 603-566-1727

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