SAFTEA Concealed Carry Course (CCW) (2 Days)
The goal of the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association's Concealed Carry Course is to provide the student with a solid foundation in personal protection and carrying a concealed handgun, knowledge of various types of handguns, ammunition and how it functions, fundamentals of shooting in conventinal and non-conventinal shooting positions, legal aspects of carrying and use of force fundamentals.
The SAFTEA CCW course consist of 11 lessons and is geared to the novice to intermidate students:
- Lesson 1 Intro of course, history of SAFTEA, staff, students
- Lesson 2 Introduction to Ammunition.
- Lesson 3 Handguns, Malfunctions and Stoppages.
- Lesson 4 Situational Alertness and Mind Set
- Lesson 5 Physiological Reactions and Mental Preparedness
- Lesson 6 Range Safety and Operations
- Lesson 7 Defensive Shooting.
- Lesson 8 Handgun cleaning.
- Lesson 9 Introduction to holsters, belts, off body carry and EDC gear selection.
- Lesson 10 Common Shooting Stances and Presentation from the Holster.
- Lesson 11 Range operations for day 2. (150 to 200 rounds)
NOW INCLUDES 1 hour of New Hampshire & Federal Law and Use of Force.
- IWB/OWB Strong side holster (no shoulder rigs, pocket holsters, or cross draw holsters allowed)
- Law Enforcement & Security can use duty belt with L2 or L3 Holsters.
- 250 Rounds of Factory ammunition (No reloads or remanufactured ammo allowed)
- .38 special revolver or larger with 3 autoloaders, OR .380 semiatuto pistol or larger with a minimum of 3 magazines
- Mag Carrier with 2 mag capacity.
- Baseball type cap
- Eye & hearing protection. Amplified muffs highly suggested.
- Hydration System or bottled water
- Knee pads highly suggested
- Cover garment
- Backup gun is always highly suggested
- A positive attitude
September 14 & 15, 2024 8AM - 5PM
Cost: $200